Surprise Treat Box Pre-Order

Are you a lover of surprises and all things sweet? An adventurous dessert connoisseur? If yes, than this is the box for you!

Boxes will be available for pick up from 417 Industrial ave, Vancouver, on Saturday April 27th, from 10am-6pm.

All orders must be placed by the evening of Monday, April 22nd.

What’s in the box?

Wouldn’t you like to know! Half the fun of this box is that the contents are going to be a complete surprise — what I will say, is that there will be 6 different items, 2 pieces of each (that’s a total of 12 desserts) in the large boxes! The goodies will be a collection of MY favourite treats as well as my customer favourites from over the last 4 years!!! Do you trust me??? 😉

Small treat boxes will contain one of each item.

Pre-order closed.